E-mail Marketing Pillars: Part Three

List Engagement

According to Hubspot, the average email list for a B2B company loses about 22.5% subscribers annually due to natural causes (unsubscribes, bad or old email addresses, incorrectly typed email addresses). It’s estimated that this percentage is higher for B2C businesses.

Having better engagement means higher open rates, higher conversions, and an overall audience who is interested and waiting to hear what you have to offer next.

  • Manage your list & delete engaged subscribers
  • Segment your subscribers (set up a welcome flow to new subscribers via how you got their email – like dojo or on-site capture)
  •  Trigger emails
  • Create a series of emails to send to cold or inactive subscribers with a lead magnet (a discount oer, as an example)
  • Provide valuable content (recipes as an example using your product)

A Proven Example:

Did you know that audiences like it when they can expect certain post types on certain days of week?

We created a series of emails for BIOHM, called Microbiome Monday with this in mind.

How it worked:

Every Monday, BIOHM sent an educational newsletter about the microbiome to our subscribers. There generally was no offer in these – our goal wasn’t to sell, our goal was to promote that BIOHM was based on and backed by real science and develop brand equity.

These Microbiome Monday emails became our most engaged emails, with the highest open and click-through rates to date.

To continue to build o of this success after six months, we then decided to create a monthly email, called Microbiome Monthly, that focused on scientific news about the microbiome outside the world of BIOHM. The goal was to share information and build trust with our subscribers.