E-mail Marketing Pillars: Part Two

E-mail List Growth

If you google how to grow your e-mail list, there are hundred of thousands of ideas and pieces of advise. Though we do not have ALL the answers, we can share what we have had success with. Bottom line is no matter what avenue you decide to pursue, you want to capture site visitor’s emails with the goal of turning them into purchasers, if not today, down the road.

Helping You Grow

Common practices / site entry email capture

You can send a lot of money and hire a company to do this for you (i.e. BounceX) or try to do this on your own with various plug-ins. The most popular one out there is OptiMonk. Either way, typically the visitor is offered a discount on-site for sharing their email. These email capture platforms also pair with other behind-the-scene email marketing tools, like Abandoned Cart flows.

10 month list growth for BIOHM Health

Cross-channel marketing campaigns

Another practice we’ve seen great success with is cross-industry promotions, using tools like DojoMojo’s sweepstakes opportunities. For a small monthly fee, a brand can engage with other brands and build an audience base.

New on the scene, SMS marketing of these promotional opportunities is an ever-increasing marketing tool that many brands are having great success with.