D2C Black Friday & Cyber Monday Digital Marketing Campaign

Facebook cover example for Black Friday promotion

Holiday Sale – Direct to Consumer

The marketing team at BIOHM wanted two separate sales for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend. I was tasked with creating separate Black Friday campaign that would immediately be followed by a two-day Cyber Monday Sale.

For color scheme and overall look and feel of the campaign, I stuck with the already established brand colors and fonts – Raleway and Brownhill Script.

Planning. Planning and then some more planning! 

Below is an example of e-mail plan developed to manage the various assets and schedules of each campaign. It severed as a handy reference tool across the team, designed to also guide the social and customer service teams to know which offer would be feature on a daily basis. 

Promotional Plan and Schedule for Sales

Part 1: Black Friday Sale

E-mail Marketing Examples:

Assets to Promote The Sale

Created assets for the various social channels, including social advertising, and for ambassadors to use on their social platforms, along with banners and content for e-mails.

These promotions resulted in BIOHM’s biggest week of sales to date!

Part 2: Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday Promotion

Tasked to create a Cyber Monday campaign to cross digital marketing, social selling, online advertising and e-mail marketing for the company’s first-ever BOGO event. 

For color scheme and overall look and feel of the campaign, I stuck with the already established brand colors. 

Dance! Dance! Dance!

For ‘thumb-stopping’ content, I created gifs of the products themselves dancing, to explain the various offers. 

Graphic screens were created in Adobe Illustrator and then imported into a stack within Photoshop to generate the animated gifs. Individual products were animated along with one overall gif (shown) to announce the promotion. 

Site Banners

For a consistent user experience across the spectrum, BIOHM’s website was updated with banners and the individual PDP assets were updated as well. (Mobile version of one concept shown).

Concept for Cyber Monday Promotion

The BIOHM Cyber Monday Sale was the biggest offer in the company history – a BOGO (Buy One, Get One Offer) across all products for a 48-hour period (Cyber Monday and a sale extended bonus day on Tuesday. 

The concept of product animated was designed to be attention-getting and to clearly visually show the offer to help avoid confusion about the ‘Free’ offer. This look and feel was carried across e-mail marketing, social posts, site banners and Facebook advertising.

Dance Party – Desktop and Mobile

Mobile Header

Created desktop and mobile-friendly banners for website to continue consistent user experience from social to e-mail to the website.

e-mail campaigns

Social Media Assets

Creative For Facebook

Below are the animated .gifs for Facebook ads, targeting our various audiences. Once these gifs were created, I created ads ( including ad copy, links etc) via Facebook’s Creative Hub and then published to BIOHM’s various target audiences already established. 

Wrap Up! 

The main target audience for both of these promotional campaigns was consumers who had purchased before and people who would appreciate the extraordinary value of this offer and become a first-time purchaser. 

The Cyber Monday promotion lead to the biggest one-day sales record in the company’s history. It was the combination of a great offer and great marketing that made this so successful. 

A Very Successful Campaign