E-mail List Growth – A Case Study

How BIOHM Health Grew their email subscriber list with digital marketing partnerships

Build the list, the sales will come…

The team at BIOHM Health made an effort to really grow our email subscriber list. We signed up for Dojomojo.com – a sort of clearing house for digital marketing promotions, where the end result was shared email addresses of the participants who signed up. 

This partnership, with BIOHM emails to promote the various campaigns, resulted in 2x growth of our email list and over seven months, nearly $170K in revenue. 

Below are some examples of the emails to support these various campaigns:

Creative Note

BIOHM’s emails were simple – simply listing the opportunity, prizes and value. Sometimes, I was provided with headers from the campaign promoter but more often than not, I had to create the graphics for these emails. 

That creative was reflective of the campaign and BIOHM’s contribution to the promotion. I also supported these campaigns with assets for social media sharing as needed. 

Five Month Snapshot

The chart shows the new email subscribers gained from Dojomojo.com partnerships. BIOHM’s list grew by over 41,000 in the first five months of 2020 because of these partnerships. 

Really Good emails! 

Not only did BIOHM gain emails but they were also good emails, that delivered actual orders and engagement. 

Over five months, over $96,000 in sales were attributed to emails gained from various dojomojo.com campaigns. 

Snapshot Stats: Five Month Growth