Facebook Video Ad Campaign – A Case Study

Thumb-Stopping Facebook Ads: A case study how we quickly created creative content with a simple website subscription

A Little Time and $40 …

With BIOHM, we were really keen on trying new content for our Facebook ad dollars, operating under the belief that no idea was a bad idea; we would let the A/B testing show us what was working for our audiences. 

I woke up one morning to a series of texts from the CEO, who had stumbled across site that offered 3D video assets for a monthly fee, designed for Facebook advertising. I figured it was worth the $38 dollars for a month to give it a try. The assets, though limited, had potential to be something I could work with, with the right copy. 

Below is a look at those videos, the ads created with these assets. All with a bit of time and less than $40! 

It All Started with An Idea

What doesn’t start with a great idea? My boss thought we could use the 3D concept of toilet paper to sell BIOHM’s probiotic supplement. It seems a prefect fit, with just the copy needed to be written and tested. 

Engagement – Winners and Losers

The creative partnership between the group worked for this campaign. Multiple videos were created and tested. In technical terms, testing was done and we had a few duds and some clear winners for engagement. 

Natural Feel

We used the peaceful 3D image of the butterfly almost landing on our product ad and it tested well within BIOHM Health’s existing key demographics. 

It conveyed our all natural product statement and the team was happy with the results – both in precent of the video watched and the sales attributed to this ad. 

Facebook Ad For Father’s Day:
