Wave Faucet App Concept for Home Depot

Concept for new product launch, exclusive to The Home Depot

Answers to the ‘What, When, How’ Questions

This was a concept project designed to show the customer-focused marketing for a Home Depot exclusive faucet. 

The main consumer questions in the journey discovery process was installation and how the faucet functioned. We wanted to show the potential customers how these basic concerns were answered and also have a place for new faucet owners to register their product and get installation help, if needed. 

As a secondary goal, it had the potential to be a training and reference tool for in-store employees.



For the discovery phase of this project, we interviewed the product management, sales team and communications team to understand the goals of this project. As part of this interview process, card sorting and sketches were done in real-time.


The design process is kicked off with low fidelity sketches to quickly iterate through several design ideas as quickly as possible. 

It became clear as this was sketched that it was important to showcase the potential sections – including videos of the installation and a plan to show the step by step installation instructions. 

Customer Journey

In order to get an understanding of Home Depot’s potential faucet shopper, a customer journey map was created. The key learning was that the consumer had a great fear in combining water and electronics and wanted to know that they could confidently install a product like this. 

Customers were also concerned about the longevity of this product, especially related to the electronic components and had concern about product failure as it was considered new technology. Pain-points also arose around would this faucet fit their current sink hole configuration, a common question with most faucet purchases. 

UX Design

Because this was a prototype concept for a sales presentation and we had to move fast, we went directly into UI design from sketching and a quick user flow concept (and thus, skipping over basic wireframe development). The UI Design was created in Adobe XD. Colors used reflect the in-store packaging and branding (corporate colors). 

Along with screen snapshots of the various screens, a final concept was shared out as a video from XD. 

The End Result: